Results for 'M. A. Lynch'

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  1.  27
    Essay Review: When Evolution Became Conversation: Vestiges of Creation, Its Readers, and Its Respondents in Victorian Britain. [REVIEW]James A. Secord & John M. Lynch - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (3):565-579.
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    Mechanisms underlying induction and maintenance of long‐term potentiation in the hippocampus.M. A. Lynch - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (2-3):85-90.
    Long‐term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus is accompanied by a number of changes on both sides of the synapse. It is now generally considered that the trigger for initiating LTP is the entry of calcium into the postsynaptic area through the NMDA‐associated channel while the mechanism(s) underlying the maintenance of LTP are less well understood and probably involve contributions from both sides of the synapse.
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    Intersubjectivity evolved to fit the brain, but grammar co-evolved with the brain.Patricia M. Greenfield & Kristen Gillespie-Lynch - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):523-524.
    We propose that some aspects of language evolved to fit the brain, whereas other aspects co-evolved with the brain. Cladistic analysis indicates that common basic structures of both action and grammar arose in phylogeny six million years ago and in ontogeny before age two, with a shared prefrontal neural substrate. In contrast, mirror neurons, found in both humans and monkeys, suggest that the neural basis for intersubjectivity evolved before language. Natural selection acts upon genes controlling the neural substrates of these (...)
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    The price of silence.A. Lynch, A. Czeizel, F. M. Salzano & K. Berg - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (3):31 - discussion.
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    Soldier enhancement: ethical risks and opportunities.M. Beard, J. Galliott & Sandra Lynch - unknown
    Over the past decade, interest in human enhancement has waxed and waned. The initial surge of interest and funding, driven by the US Army’s desire for a ‘Future Force Warrior’ has partly given way to the challenges of meeting operational demands abroad. However the ethical opportunities provided by soldier enhancement demand that investigation of its possibilities continue. Benefits include enhanced decision-making, improved force capability, reduced force size and lower casualty rates. These benefits — and enhancement itself — carry concomitant risks, (...)
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    “I’m not an investigator and I’m not a police officer" - a faculty’s view on academic integrity in an undergraduate nursing degree.Lucie M. Ramjan, Paul Glew, Yenna Salamonson & Joan Lynch - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    In nursing, expectations of honesty and integrity are clearly stipulated throughout professional standards and codes of conduct, thus the concept of academic integrity has even more impetus in preparing students for graduate practice. However, a disparity between policy and practice misses the opportunity to instil the principles of academic integrity, and at its core honesty, a pivotal trait in the nursing profession. This study draws upon the experience of the nursing faculty to explore how academic integrity policy of deterrence operate (...)
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    Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life: Medieval Context and Early Modern Reception.O. P. Reginald M. Lynch - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1337-1370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life:Medieval Context and Early Modern ReceptionReginald M. Lynch O.P.In question 63 of the tertia pars, Thomas Aquinas defines the so-called character that is conferred by certain sacraments (namely baptism, confirmation, and holy orders), as a secondary effect caused by the sacraments, with grace itself identified as the primary effect. As separated instruments of the humanity of Christ, in his mature work (...)
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    A note on Kellogg's treatment of skills.J. M. Lynch - 1939 - Psychological Review 46 (5):485-488.
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  9. A New Link in a Chain of Genres?'.John M. Swales, H. Jacobsen, Christina Kejser, Lena Koch, Joan Lynch & L. Mùlbaek - 2000 - Hermes 25:133-41.
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    Thomas Aquinas on the Priesthood: Temple, Allegory, and the Humanities of Christ.O. P. Reginald M. Lynch - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):789-810.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomas Aquinas on the Priesthood:Temple, Allegory, and the Humanities of Christ*Reginald M. Lynch O.P.In this lecture, I will examine Aquinas's approach to the concept of priesthood and its place in the economy of salvation, drawing upon Aquinas's systematic presentation of Christ's priesthood and sacramental priesthood within the Church, as well as the figural representation of these incarnational and ecclesial realities within the liturgical world of the Mosaic covenant. (...)
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    Does Science Education Need the History of Science?Graeme Gooday, John M. Lynch, Kenneth G. Wilson & Constance K. Barsky - 2008 - Isis 99 (2):322-330.
    ABSTRACT This essay argues that science education can gain from close engagement with the history of science both in the training of prospective vocational scientists and in educating the broader public about the nature of science. First it shows how historicizing science in the classroom can improve the pedagogical experience of science students and might even help them turn into more effective professional practitioners of science. Then it examines how historians of science can support the scientific education of the general (...)
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  12. Draft discussion paper: Working conditions for bioethics in Canada.C. Macdonald, M. Coughlin, C. Harrison, A. Lynch, P. Murphy & M. Rowell - forthcoming - Canadian Bioethics Society, Calgary.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Patrick D. Lynch, Dan Landis, Ronald Schwartz, William B. Moody, Daniel P. Keating, E. S. Marlow Iii, Allen H. Kuntz, Thomas M. Sherman, Virginia M. Macagnoni, Noele Krenkel, Joseph E. Schmeidicke, Jeremy D. Finn, Gaea Leinhardt & Phyllis A. Katz - unknown
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    Test objects and other epistemic things: a history of a nanoscale object.Cyrus C. M. Mody & Michael Lynch - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Science 43 (3):423-458.
    This paper follows the history of an object. The purpose of doing so is to come to terms with a distinctive kind of research object – which we are calling a ‘test object’ – as well as to chronicle a significant line of research and technology development associated with the broader nanoscience/nanotechnology movement. A test object is one of a family of epistemic things that makes up the material culture of laboratory science. Depending upon the case, it can have variable (...)
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  15.  39
    New historical and philosophical perspectives on quantitative genetics.Davide Serpico, Kate E. Lynch & Theodore M. Porter - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97:29-33.
    The aim of this virtual special issue is to bring together philosophical and historical perspectives to address long-standing issues in the interpretation, utility, and impacts of quantitative genetics methods and findings. Methodological approaches and the underlying scientific understanding of genetics and heredity have transformed since the field's inception. These advances have brought with them new philosophical issues regarding the interpretation and understanding of quantitative genetic results. The contributions in this issue demonstrate that there is still work to be done integrating (...)
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  16. Curbside Consultation Re-imagined: Borrowing from the Conflict Management Toolkit. [REVIEW]Lauren M. Edelstein, John J. Lynch, Nneka O. Mokwunye & Evan G. DeRenzo - 2010 - HEC Forum 22 (1):41-49.
    Curbside ethics consultations occur when an ethics consultant provides guidance to a party who seeks assistance over ethical concerns in a case, without the consultant involving other stakeholders, conducting his or her own comprehensive review of the case, or writing a chart note. Some have argued that curbside consultation is problematic because the consultant, in focusing on a single narrative offered by the party seeking advice, necessarily fails to account for the full range of moral perspectives. Their concern is that (...)
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  17. The Intellectual Powers: A Study of Human Nature, by P.M.S. Hacker (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013). [REVIEW]Kevin Lynch - 2015 - Philosophy 90 (2):332-336.
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    (1 other version)Richard Lynch, S.J. (1610–1676) on Being and Essens.Victor M. Salas - 2024 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 98 (1):25-48.
    This article examines Richard Lynch’s metaphysics and finds that he ultimately resolves his account of being in terms of essens—that which denotes the essential structure that a being (ens) has apart from existence. For Lynch, unlike many of his Jesuit contemporaries, existence is accidental to being. Yet, even if essens is distinct from existence, it is not altogether lacking being, but is accorded a certain kind of “essential being,” which is identified with the possible. Lynch thus seems (...)
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  19. At the Margins of Tacit Knowledge.Michael Lynch - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (3):55-73.
    Michael Polanyi and H.M. Collins contrast tacit knowledge with explicit knowledge. For Collins, secrets and other forms of “relational tacit knowledge” are tacit, but only in relation to specific circumstances and relationships. Collins treats such relational knowledge as less interesting theoretically than collective knowledge that is essentially difficult and perhaps impossible to convey through explicit formulations. In this paper I focus on relational tacit knowledge, despite its marginality in Collins’s typology, because it draws attention to conceptual ambiguities in the relationship (...)
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  20.  36
    Cyprus and Its Legal and Historiographical Significance in Early Islamic History.Ryan J. Lynch - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (3):535.
    During the early Islamic period Cyprus was a frontier territory unlike most—control, influence, and tax revenue over the island were shared mutually by both the Byzantine and Islamic states—and the historiographical record demonstrates that its legal and administrative status was fraught with challenges. The present study is based on the surviving Arabic material in Abū ʿUbayd al-Qāsim b. Sallām’s Kitāb al-Amwāl, subsequently transmitted in Kitāb Futūḥ al-buldān of al-Balādhurī. It argues that the problematic nature of Cyprus in this period, coupled (...)
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    (1 other version)Emancipation After Hegel: Achieving a Contradictory Revolution.Laurie M. Johnson - 2020 - The European Legacy 26 (3-4):439-440.
    Todd McGowan is professor of film studies at the University of Vermont and author of The Impossible David Lynch and Capitalism and Desire: The Psychic Cost of Free Markets. This most...
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    Basic Hoops: an Algebraic Study of Continuous t-norms.P. Aglianò, I. M. A. Ferreirim & F. Montagna - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (1):73-98.
    A continuoxis t- norm is a continuous map * from [0, 1]² into [0,1] such that is a commutative totally ordered monoid. Since the natural ordering on [0,1] is a complete lattice ordering, each continuous t-norm induces naturally a residuation → and becomes a commutative naturally ordered residuated monoid, also called a hoop. The variety of basic hoops is precisely the variety generated by all algebras, where * is a continuous t-norm. In this paper we investigate the structure of the (...)
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  23.  31
    A Beautiful and Dangerous Memory.Nichole M. Flores - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (2):309-329.
    Miguel A. De La Torre rejects hope as the ethical basis for a politically effective and truly liberative form of solidarity. Kelly Brown Douglas, on the other hand, articulates a critical retrieval of hope emphasizing the interpretive relationship between the cross, the lynching tree, and the resurrection. Reading De La Torre and Douglas’s works through Natalie Carnes’s theological aesthetics suggests that their respective works can be engaged as “iconoclasms of fidelity,” or the salutary breaking of idolatrous images toward recovering faithful (...)
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    Time ordering and the Lorentz group.A. Agodi & M. A. Cassarino - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (2):137-152.
    A simplified definition of point local clocks and the relationship between an inertial reference frame and a class of such clocks, at rest with respect to each other, are used for an algebraic determination of the geometry of Minkowski's space-time on the set of point events. The group of all automorphisms that preserve the time ordering induced by the set of all equivalent local clocks is shown to be generated by the inhomogeneous orthochronous Lorentz group and dilatations, consistently with a (...)
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    Out of Sync, Out of Sight: Synaesthesia and Film Spectacle.Jennifer M. Barker - 2008 - Paragraph 31 (2):236-251.
    What might a synaesthetic cinema look like? Or, better, what might it sound, smell, taste and feel like? This essay approaches David Lynch's Mulholland Drive as a means of thinking through conceptual but concrete descriptions of synaesthesia not as an artistic device, a metaphor, an historical trend, or a rare clinical condition, but as a way of being in space and time — and being in cinema — that is simultaneously abstract and very real. Lynch's film becomes, as (...)
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  26.  52
    Using suggestion to model different types of automatic writing.E. Walsh, M. A. Mehta, D. A. Oakley, D. N. Guilmette, A. Gabay, P. W. Halligan & Q. Deeley - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 26:24-36.
    Our sense of self includes awareness of our thoughts and movements, and our control over them. This feeling can be altered or lost in neuropsychiatric disorders as well as in phenomena such as “automatic writing” whereby writing is attributed to an external source. Here, we employed suggestion in highly hypnotically suggestible participants to model various experiences of automatic writing during a sentence completion task. Results showed that the induction of hypnosis, without additional suggestion, was associated with a small but significant (...)
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    Strategic Maneuvering with Dissociation.M. A. van Rees - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (4):473-487.
    This paper explores the possibilities for strategic maneuvering of the argumentative technique that Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (The New Rhetoric. A Treatise on Argumentation, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame/London, 1969) called dissociation. After an exploration of the general possibilities that dissociation may have for enhancing critical reasonableness and rhetorical effectiveness, the use of dissociation in the successive stages of a critical discussion is examined. For each stage, first, the dialectical moves that dissociation can be employed in are specified, then, (...)
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  28. Syntaksys slovospoluchenni︠a︡ i prostoho rechenni︠a︡.M. A. Z︠H︡ovtobri︠u︡kh (ed.) - 1975
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    The Diagnostic Power of the Stages of Critical Discussion in the Analysis and Evaluation of Problem-Solving Discussions.M. A. van Rees - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (4):457-470.
    In this article, the pragma-dialectical model of a critical discussion is demonstrated to provide a useful instrument for discovering causes of an unsatisfactory development of problem-solving discussions. First a sketch is given of the development of a problem-solving discussion which, in the opinion of the participants themselves, developed in an unsatisfactory fashion. Then it is argued that this development can be traced back to flaws in the execution of the stages of a critical discussion.
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    Light Beam Propagation in a Photorefractive Environment: Beam-Fanning Effect and Amplification of Weak Beams.A. Zúñiga-Segundo, M. A. Arvizu-Coyotzi, J. L. López-Bonilla & B. E. Carvajal-Gámez - 2006 - Apeiron 13 (3):375.
  31.  18
    The intensifying intersection of ethics, religion, theology, and peace studies.Heather M. DuBois - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (1):189-212.
    The intersection of ethics, religion, theology, and peace studies is intensifying through increasingly multi‐disciplinary, contextual, explicitly normative scholarship. This book discussion demonstrates this claim through its profiles of an introduction to Christian ethics by Ellen Ott Marshall, a case study of the School of the Americas Watch by Kyle B. T. Lambelet, a case study of the American Jewish Palestine solidarity movement by Atalia Omer, and a global, historical study of Christian ethics by Cecilia Lynch. Though their methods and (...)
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    Under what conditions do patients want to be informed about their risk of a complication? A vignette study.N. B. A. T. Janssen, F. J. Oort, P. Fockens, D. L. Willems, H. C. J. M. de Haes & E. M. A. Smets - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5):276-282.
    Background: Discussing treatment risks has become increasingly important in medical communication. Still, despite regulations, physicians must decide how much and what kind of information to present. Objective: To investigate patients’ preference for information about a small risk of a complication of colonoscopy, and whether medical and personal factors contribute to such preference. To propose a disclosure policy related to our results. Design: Vignettes study. Setting: Department of Gastroenterology, Academic Medical Centre, the Netherlands. Patients: 810 consecutive colonoscopy patients. Intervention: A home-sent (...)
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    Influenza vaccination in Dutch nursing homes: Is tacit consent morally justified?M. F. Verweij & M. A. Van den Hoven - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (1):89-95.
    Objectives: Efficient procedures for obtaining informed (proxy) consent may contribute to high influenza vaccination rates in nursing homes. Yet are such procedures justified? This study’s objective was to gain insight in informed consent policies in Dutch nursing homes; to assess how these may affect influenza vaccination rates and to answer the question whether deviating from standard informed consent procedures could be morally justified. Design: A survey among nursing home physicians. Setting & Participants: We sent a questionnaire to all (356) nursing (...)
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  34. U̇ăḣăclăr: sebertatar teltă.Fanilʹ Abutalipov, Абуталипов Фаниль, F. F. Marganova, Фаусия Фаизовна Марганова & M. A. Sagidullin (eds.) - 2020 - Ti︠u︡menʹ: Ti︠u︡menskiĭ dom pechati.
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    The management of DNA double‐strand breaks in mitotic G2, and in mammalian meiosis viewed from a mitotic G2 perspective.Paul S. Burgoyne, Shantha K. Mahadevaiah & James M. A. Turner - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (10):974-986.
    DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) are extremely hazardous lesions for all DNA‐bearing organisms and the mechanisms of DSB repair are highly conserved. In the eukaryotic mitotic cell cycle, DSBs are often present following DNA replication while, in meiosis, hundreds of DSBs are generated as a prelude to the reshuffling of the maternally and paternally derived genomes. In both cases, the DSBs are repaired by a process called homologous recombinational repair (HRR), which utilises an intact DNA molecule as the repair template. Mitotic (...)
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    Dynamics of counter-ions in a conducting rigid polymer matrix: the relation with electrical properties.M. Bée, D. Djurado, P. Rannou, B. Dufour, A. Pron, J. Combet & M. A. Gonzalez - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1547-1554.
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    A phenomenological dislocation theory for martensitic transformation in ductile materials: From micro- to macroscopic description.M. Cherkaoui, A. Soulami, A. Zeghloul & M. A. Khaleel - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (30-32):3479-3512.
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  38. The computational role of conscious processing in a model of semantic memory.R. Lauro-Grotto, S. Reich & M. A. Virasoro - 1997 - In Masao Itō, Yasushi Miyashita & Edmund T. Rolls, Cognition, computation, and consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press.
  39. Acuna-Farina, C., 217 Betancort, M., 217 Bharucha, JJ, 131 Bigand, E., 100.R. Breheny, M. Carreiras, J. Cole-Virtue, M. Coltheart, M. Curtis, J. M. Darley, M. A. Defeyter, J. M. Doris, A. Fernald & W. T. Fitch - 2006 - Cognition 100:543.
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  40. Pragma-Dialectical Analysis and Evaluation of Problem-Solving Discussion.M. A. van Rees - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (4):465-479.
    In this article, after arguing that present approaches to improving problem-solving discussions for various reasons are not satisfactory, I turn to the pragma-dialectic approach to argumentative discourse to derive a normative framework that can serve as a point of departure to enhance the quality of problem-solving discussions. I then show how this approach can be used as analytical and evaluative instrument that can help the analyst to establish whether participants in actual practice act in a fashion that is in accord (...)
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    El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto.Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.) - 2006 - Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
  42. Correction: The impact of digital health technologies on moral responsibility: a scoping review.E. Meier, T. Rigter, M. P. Schijven, M. van den Hoven & M. A. R. Bak - forthcoming - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy:1-2.
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  43. Partiĭnai︠a︡ ėtika: dokumenty i materialy diskussii 20-kh godov.A. A. Guseinov, M. V. Iskrov, M. A. Makarevich & R. V. Petropavlovskii (eds.) - 1989 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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    Ancient Italy: A Study of the Interrelations of Its Peoples as Shown in Their Arts.J. H. Young & Gisela M. A. Richter - 1957 - American Journal of Philology 78 (2):223.
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  45. Estimating parity specific rate of induced abortion: a new approach.Rajib Acharya, H. Eini-Zinab, S. Islam, M. A. Islam, S. S. Padmadas, S. Billingsley, T. Spoorenberg, D. Beguy, K. Grace & C. Muresan - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (6):705-19.
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    "Bergson Resartus" and T. S. Eliot's Manuscript.M. A. R. Habib - 1993 - Journal of the History of Ideas 54 (2):255-276.
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    Horace's ars poetica and the deconstructive Leech.M. A. R. Habib - 1991 - British Journal of Aesthetics 31 (1):13-25.
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    Hegel and the foundations of literary theory.M. A. R. Habib - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    "Hegel and the Foundations of Literary Theory: Do the various forms of literary theory - deconstruction, Marxism, new historicism, feminism, post-colonialism, and cultural/digital studies - have anything in common? If so, what are the fundamental principles of theory? What is its ideological orientation? Can it still be of use to us in understanding basic intellectual and ethical dilemmas of our time? These questions continue to perplex both students and teachers of literary theory. Habib finds the answers in theory's largely unacknowledged (...)
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    When Rules Really Make a Difference: The Effect of Cooperation Rules and Self-Sacrificing Leadership on Moral Norms in Social Dilemmas. [REVIEW]Laetitia B. Mulder & Rob M. A. Nelissen - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (1):57 - 72.
    If self-interested behavior conflicts with the collective welfare, rules of cooperation are often installed to prevent egoistic behavior. We hypothesized that installing such rules may instigate personal moral norms of cooperation, but that they fail in doing so when installed by a leader who is self-interested rather than self-sacrificing. Three studies confirmed this and also showed that, consequently, only self-sacrificing leaders were able to install rules that increase cooperation without the need for a perfectly operating monitoring system.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]M. A. R. Habib - 1985 - British Journal of Aesthetics 25 (4):277-279.
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